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3 Simple Questions Working Professionals Need to Ask to Neutralize Stress & Improve Performance

Join me for this Free, No Cost Webinar!

Three simple questions working professionals need to ask to neutralize stress and improve performance.

Did you know that 90% of doctor visits are for Stress? You might even call stress the plague our time!

Stress could be effecting you in any of these ways:

  • Feelings of anxiety and discomfort?
  • Overly tired or unmotivated?
  • Angry or resentful; feeling others consume time and energy and nothing is left for you
  • Feeling overwhelmed and unsuccessful; like no matter how hard you try you cannot get ahead?
  • Feeling like you just “don’t care” on some level, “giving up and going thru the motions”
  • Scattered; unable to focus or complete tasks in the time needed?
  • Unable to relax and just be, the mind is constantly ‘on’?

If you answered yes to any of these questions and experience these symptoms in a mild form or even an extreme form you might be suffering from high-levels of stress. There is good stress and there is bad stress. Bad stress left unmanaged leads to poor performance levels.

How Can I Help?

We start with the 3-B’s: Brain, Body, and Breath!

When stress reaches a point of overwhelm or excess an individual’s ability to perform declines leading to burnout, ill health, or a breakdown.

Learn to recognize and interrupt the stress response cycle before your ability to perform effectively, in personal and professional, settings are compromised.

I will teach you three questions you can use to recognize and interrupt the stress response system in the body and learn more effective ways to manage the stress.

Using the three questions you will be able to interrupt the stress cycle and put the brain and body back on track. I will also share an exercise with you to help you identify the effects of stress on your body.

If you can't make the webinar at this time, don't stress...sign up anyway and we will send you a copy of the webinar that you can watch on your own schedule!

Later Event: August 19
The Body as the Subconscious