Do you ever have that gnawing feeling that something is unsettled in your life but you’re just not sure how to address it?
Perhaps you tell yourself you just need to get back to the normal Fall schedule, and the feeling will go away.
The feeling may go away or lessen for a period of time, but somehow, it always seems to return.
Instead of trying to suppress or busy yourself into not feeling, how about recognizing your body is talking to you and telling you an opportunity is present…a change is needed!
I specialized in change management in the corporate world and became very familiar with the resistance that accompanies change. Even when there is awareness that change is needed, resistance will still arise.
People prefer to intellectualize the resistance that comes with change. They talk about it and rationalize it, but they avoid dealing with the feeling itself.
This is because real change creates real discomfort.
On the whole, humans are creatures of habit…primarily, because there is a feeling of safety that comes with the familiar.
Even when the familiar no longer works, we like to stay with it because our brains have associated it with a degree of safety.
It helps keep the fight, flight, freeze brain in check.
It helps ward off the feelings that accompany change like depression, grief, anger, and fear.
Over the next four months, I’m doing a deeper dive into my Four A’s to Conscious Change Formula.
The webinars I’ll present are designed to increase your understanding of how to:
- Become more proactive in attaining your goals.
- Overcome resistance and procrastination.
- Effectively manage stress during the change process.
The Straight A Formula of Conscious Change
If there is a change you’re wanting to make but feel stuck or uncertain of how to do it, be sure to show up for these free webinars. Below is a brief overview:
- September: Awareness
You cannot direct change towards something you do not perceive. The ability to change anything begins with increased self-awareness.
- October: Acceptance
You cannot change what you do not accept. Acceptance requires acknowledgement that you are responsible for every aspect of your life.
- November: Action
New actions are required to get new results. Old patterns of behavior return if new and different action steps are not created.
- December: Achievement
The fuel of motivation comes in the form of recognizing achievements.
Hope you’ll join me for these quick and informative webinars and if you have a friend or colleague you think would be interested, please share this information with them too!
Click below to register for the Complimentary September Webinar:
I Desire a Change! How Improving Self-Awareness Increases Goal Attainment.
The webinar will be held on September 13, 2018 at 11AM ET - Hope to see you there!